K3.0008820 EMIP300 Upgrade Kit for ALEXA

This upgrade replaces the old radio of ALEXA cameras with the new ARRI EMIP300 white radio. The EMIP300 radio allows the highest possible radio output power within the legal limits determined by the local region. All new cameras and new ECS equipment will be delivered with the EMIP300 radio. Price does not include labor. Please contact ARRI service to purchase this article and schedule an update appointment.
Производитель: ARRI
Тип товара: аксессуар
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K3.0008820  EMIP300 Upgrade Kit for ALEXA
This upgrade replaces the old radio of ALEXA cameras with the new ARRI EMIP300 white radio. The EMIP300 radio allows the highest possible radio output power within the legal limits determined by the local region. All new cameras and new ECS equipment will be delivered with the EMIP300 radio. Price does not include labor. Please contact ARRI service to purchase this article and schedule an update appointment.
Тип товарааксессуар